I LOVE Andy Bernard. I jumped on "The Office" bandwagon last year and ever since then I've been in stitches. I think all the characters are pretty hilarious but Andy Bernard has definitely won me over. How can you resist that a capella singing Cornell grad?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Welcome to the World, James!
Today Josh and I received a text announcing the birth of Kelly and Tom's son, James Thomas! Once again, Josh admired from afar while the visitors passed around the littlest addition to the Ruden clan.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I've been very absent from my blog lately but with March for Babies in full swing and me acquiring some sort of flu bug, I just haven't had the chance to sit down and post. And now that I'm sitting down to post, I realize that I have nothing to post...so here's an old picture of Suds.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Things I Love Thursday-Brits
I LOVE sassy British girl music. I've found that the heavier the accent, the sassier they get. I've also found that it's way more fun to sing really loud while doing a British accent.
Kate Nash-
Lily Allen-
Kate Nash-
Lily Allen-
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Things I Love Thursday-POTATOES
I LOVE potatoes. Baked, fried, mashed, it's all delicious in my book. As part of our Lenten journey, Josh and I gave up potatoes of any kind. It may sound like a silly sacrifice, but my love affair with this little vegetable is borderline crazy so this was a logical choice for me.
Now, the 40 days are nearly up and I'm very excited to welcome back 'Tato' and his close relatives, fries and chips. I'm particularly excited about fries and have developed a plan of attack for places that I will visit in order to satiate my fry appetite. B-Bop's beware, I'm coming for you first!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Crazy People are Making it very Hard for me to be Nice

Josh and I endured what can only be described as an awkward and creepy encounter with another patron at Royal Mile whilst having dinner on Friday night. Here is a rundown of what transpired, told from my point of view:
(Man sits down next to me at bar, looks at me and does a double take)
1. Yes, I am Filipino. Thank you for noticing.
2. Oh, that is mildly interesting that you're familiar with Filipino women because you were stationed in Manila during the Vietnam War.
3. So you're saying Barack Obama isn't a military man, and that's the root of the problem, huh? FYI-I don't care to discuss politics...ever. So you should go ahead and be on your way.
4. Yes, I think you mentioned that you were a Vietnam Vet.
5. Now, I'm turning away from you, staring at my food and giving very non-committal responses. This is called non-verbal communication and in many social circles signals the end of this conversation. You should leave me and my husband alone to enjoy our fish and chips (sans chips).
6. That's right, you should listen to the bartender who just asked you to stop talking to us and leave.
7. Oh, wow. You're a Vietnam Vet! That is brand new information, buddy.
8. Yep, got it. You were in Vietnam.
9. The fact that you were in Vietnam years and years ago hasn't changed in the past two minutes. But again, thank you for clarifying and telling me for the umpteenth time.
10. Okay, that's enough talk about how hot Filipino women are and the elbowing gestures are too much for me--this is creepy. Maybe you should go back to talking about Vietnam.
11. It's official...I'm angry at you for these reasons: 1) I have been working very hard to not wear a bitchface to the bar and this is certainly making me take steps backward in my progress and 2) Because it is very clear that you will not be leaving me alone, I am forced to eat my dinner as fast as possible so as to make an escape. So fast that I don't even get to put malt vinegar on my fish! This is bad.
12. Good job, Joshie, getting the bill and paying ASAP.
13. Run, Josh, run! Let's get the hell out of here!
Crazy people are making it very hard for me to be nice.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Things I Love Thursday-Summer Treats

I LOVE popsicles. Josh took ill last week and asked me to buy him some popsicles. I came home from Hy-Vee that afternoon with a 20-count of assorted flavors and have since determined that this might be the single best purchase I've made in 2009 so far. I totally forgot how much I like these summer treats! It definitely reminds me of summer. And to think, I've been wasting all this time on ice cream, what a shame!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Crazy Dog Lady
Josh had a guys night out this weekend so I made dinner plans with Kelly. After a delicious and very filling dinner at On the Border, I went home to hunker down and enjoy a relaxing evening of TV and lounging with Suds. Of course, there isn't anything very exciting on TV on Saturday nights but I managed to stumble upon Animal Planet and lo and behold found an evening's worth of dog-inspired reality TV and documentaries. Suds and I were captivated.
Here we are watching Dogs 101. We learned about the Beagle, Newfoundland, Boxer, Bichon Frise and Dachshund. Suds wasn't very impressed.
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