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I LOVE guilty pleasures. They may make others cringe or laugh out loud but I can't help indulging myself! Here, in no particular order, are my top 5 Guilty Pleasures:
1. 90s and early 2000s pop music-NSync, Britney, Backstreet Boys, the cheesier the better. I nearly shed tears of joy when I hear a one hit wonder like Dream.
2. Vinegar-on anything and everything.
3. Reading the Twilight books a second time and then re-reading my favorite parts out of each individual book because I'm not ready to commit to another book yet.
4. Dancing to "Get Low" by Lil Jon as if I'm 18; I probably should've left the getting low on The Hill when I said farewell to UNI.
5. Forgoing any news program to watch reruns of just about any 90s sitcom. My morning schedule includes "Saved by the Bell" and "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" and the noon hour features a viewing of "Home Improvement", (insert Tim Taylor grunt here).
Josh and I went on Davenport. I find that heading east to visit the Thiessens is kind of relaxing and a great way to clear my head of stressful thoughts, (and fill my stomach with great food).
The big event on the itinerary? Jonna and Michelle's Birthday/Friendship Bash.
I LOVE pictures. I like taking them, hanging them up, looking at them and "enhancing" them. Jennifer introduced me to the photo editing site, Picnik when she decided to redo the header on her own blog. Naturally, I followed suit and for awhile my blog title looked like this...
Since then, I've really embraced Picnik and all it has to offer. I used it to create our wedding thank yous, my current blog header as well as some work related stuff. It's definitely a good tool for anyone looking to add that certain je ne sais quoi to their most beloved photo.
We've had a real heat wave recently so Josh and I took advantage of the warm weather and took little Sudsy on his very first walk around Gray's Lake. We were a little apprehensive about how he would do with the large amount of strangers and strange dogs, however, his lovable but dopey attitude prevailed and he ended up not really noticing the dogs until they were past him. He did get some nose-to-nose action with a fellow Great Dane though and I think his heart was all a-twitter with finding a friend that looked like him. :)
I LOVE brunch, more specifically, Granite City's brunch. Feasting on their all-you-can-eat smorgasboard of tasty breakfast and lunch foods is the best way to start a Sunday. I don't really dig on the lunch items but their thick cut bacon, hash browns and giant caramel rolls are more than enough reason for me to hand over my $16.99. Yum!
Our local Granite City.
Here's what became of our old camera after Suds decided to make it his chew toy.
Please note the bite marks in the bottom left corner of the camera as well as the marks on the right hand perimeter of the lens. Although the exterior was not punctured, it's believed that the victim sustained internal injuries leaving it incapacitated and all attempts to revive fruitless.
How did I manage to take a picture of this tragedy? With our new camera of course!
I LOVE these pants from Target. Dean and Dawn gave them to me as a Christmas gift and they are officially my favorite workout pants. They aren't nearly as hot as my sweatpants and they provide the flexibility that my cat-like reflexes require :)
Josh's parents gave us our most unique wedding present...a trip to Oregon to visit Nick, Amy and Ditka. We reserved our plane tickets and we'll be enjoying four days and five nights with them. I'm not sure what will be on the itinerary, but chances are it will involve a search for delicious food, a fair amount of cocktails, and maybe even a gratuitous baked good. Who knows? Can't wait!
If I paw at the door, then they'll let me outside. If they let me outside, then I'll finally be able to get my paws on the bone that rolled underneath the coffee table.
Josh and I fell prey to this dog logic and let Suds out multiple times before we realized his ultimate desire was the bone that was just of his reach in the living room.