Monday, April 21, 2008

Let There Be Light

Our state received the Team Award (which is just a less offensive name for big fat bonus check), for the fourth year in a row. So Josh and I decided that we would spend part of my earnings on home improvements and now our dining nook is blessed with a new light fixture. This little thing caused a bit of a ruckus though when Josh tried to hang it...I'll just say that little Sudsy might have learned a few more curse words this weekend thanks to this addition to our home.

It was a bit of a nuisance when Josh was hanging it, but I think it was well worth the pain.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Boys are Back in Town!

I love having friends visit! Josh's friend, Tim was back from Iraq for 18 days so the DUs lit up the "bat signal" (maybe it's a duck, since their mascot is the mallard?) and visitors from near (Des Moines) and far (Minneapolis) gathered to welcome Tim home. Naturally, it was a very crazy weekend, my little liver isn't used to all the alcohol that comes along with an outing with all the DUs anymore. But truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

Here's the groom and our usher. That's about par for the course.