I'm outta control. Ever since we got our wedding pictures, I have been feverishly trying to figure out how to share the photos with everyone. They came on seven separate CDs so it's too much to email. First, I tried Picasa web albums but that was a bust. Then I decided to use Shutterfly, which works but is still a bit pokey in the uploading photos department. Josh proclaimed that I'm obsessed and that he's lost his wife to these pictures. My rebuttal is that these pictures are our wedding day memories!
In any case, I've got about half of the pictures uploaded to a special photo sharing website provided by Shutterfly. To view the pictures that are up so far, go to Josh and Lora's Wedding. There's a lot (and I've even edited the albums down), so be prepared for a marathon viewing. I'll try to get the last pictures up as soon as possible!
In any case, I've got about half of the pictures uploaded to a special photo sharing website provided by Shutterfly. To view the pictures that are up so far, go to Josh and Lora's Wedding. There's a lot (and I've even edited the albums down), so be prepared for a marathon viewing. I'll try to get the last pictures up as soon as possible!