Monday, February 25, 2008


The Drake Men's Basketball Team has been having quite the impressive season. So when I say that I visited their home, Knapp Center, over the weekend, one would think that I too have caught bulldog fever and was cheering wildly in the stands for our local team. However, that is not the case. Instead, I (along with my pal Jennifer), marched up to the Knapp Center and watched...a state volleyball tournament for 12 and 13-year-old girls. Morgan, one of my campers from Cedar Falls and I are pen pals so her mom invited me to surprise Morgan by stopping by and watching one of her games. I am so impressed with Morgan! She's just such a nice girl and quite the little athlete too. If I had to be someone's big sister, I'd pick her. :)

Here's Morgan and I at Camp Cedar Falls in 2004.