Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You had me at Nutella

Curse you, Nick and Amy for introducing us to Nutella. The first time I tried Nutella, I thought it was good but I'm a strict Skittles and Laffy Taffy kind of girl so I didn't fall so easily under its chocolaty spell. However, Josh and I made the trip to World Market to look at bookcases and decided to purchase a jar of Nutella and some Jules Destrooper Almond Thins. Now, I'm afraid that I might become a Nutella convert because this combination is DELICIOUS. Not only that, but I definitely think that being a Nutella fan or even just knowing that Nutella exists is comparable to being a drug pusher (Jennifer and Kelly-"She was like, 'I'm a pusher, Cady. I'm a pusher.'"). After we purchased it, we had dinner with my cousins and brother and sister-in-law and I definitely invited them to come to our car and try it after dinner. That's creepy.


Kelly Ruden said...

I'm not into it.

Jennifer said...

Yum! I haven't had Nutella in forever. Please invite me over so I can have some.

Also, as I read this, I read Nick and Amy's names in the HISTK voice.

Josh said...

Oh Kelly you're so stubborn!