Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Road Trip

Last weekend we had a little bit of a heat wave, what with it being 50 degrees and all. Given this unseasonably warm weather, Josh decided it was appropriate that we take a little road trip. We picked up Dean and Dawn, headed out on I-35 and made our way to...Ames, IA. Why Ames, you ask? Two words. Hickory Park. In my little world, there is no other valid reason for anyone to travel to this college town except to dine at Hickory Park. Cheese curds that are on par with the fair's fare, delicious sandwiches and burgers and ice cream, oh the ice cream! Want a sundae? Done. In the mood for a shake? No problem. Sundae with a side of pound cake? Absolutely!

Cheese curds. Looks like we got a little messy with the ranch.

Dean and Dawn got the kind of ice cream with pound cake.

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