Sunday, May 18, 2008

Breakfast Burritos are baaack too!

Downtown Farmers Market opened up for the summer last weekend too. It was rainy but that couldn't keep Josh and I away from the BEST breakfast burritos ever. And if a certain cousin or any other visitor to the Des Moines Farmers Market needs clarification on which breakfast burrito I speak of, it is the burrito that is prepared by Farm Boys Hearty Food Co. To get your own little slice of bacon, eggs and potato goodness, you'll want to visit their tent located at 3rd and Walnut. Any other "breakfast burrito" at the Farmers Market is an impostor and the only reason you should stop at their tent is to ask for directions on how to get to the Farm Boys one. :)

We also picked up some flowers from one of the vendors at the Farmers Market. This is a pic of them about a week later and the lilies are looking a bit wilty. :(

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