Monday, January 12, 2009

Polenta to go Around

It's been awhile since I've blogged about food but luckily Josh stumbled upon a new recipe that he wanted to try out and now I have some new blog-worthy material. Our feast included mozzarella meatballs (they were supposed to be smoked mozzarella meatballs, but apparently the smoked variety is hard to come by at our local and not so local grocers), and polenta.

I've had polenta before at a fundraising dinner for March of Dimes and I was not impressed. Perhaps my lack of enthusiasm for this dish is because when I first tried it I was under the impression that it was a potato of some sort. To my shock and disbelief, it was a yellow, flavorless mush. However, Josh put me in charge of preparing the polenta anyway. This second go around with the mush was better but that's probably because I drenched it in the sauce from the meatballs.

Here's our completed feast. This picture gives the illusion that the polenta was cut into a bread bowl and then filled with the meatball sauce. That isn't so, but might be a good idea for next time...

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