Saturday, January 24, 2009

This Gym's not Big Enough for the Both of Us

Dear Walnut Creek YMCA Patrons (and more specifically those of you who became a patron as of January 1),

While I commend you for grabbing the New Year by the horns and taking the initiative to improve your health through exercise, I cannot say that I'm altogether on board with your decision to choose this particular facility as your fitness place of choice.

Over the past few weeks I've noted an increase in the number of people enjoying the many amenities our Y has to offer. Once again, this is excellent that so many of you have taken an interest in the world of wellness. However, because of the influx of attendance, the nice little supply and demand equilibrium that was established prior to January 1 is a little off kilter, leaving many veteran* patrons (namely me), wandering aimlessly searching for an open elliptical, treadmill or bike.

In addition to this, patrons (namely me) cannot even seek refuge on the track, which was once a good alternative to the machines. Now, the overpopulation of this area forces walkers and runners alike to exhaust themselves not through physical exercise, but by forcing them to play the mental game of negotiating speed and appropriate personal space so as not to make passing or being passed on the track awkward.

Therefore, I would like to issue this edict refraining you from working out on weekdays during the times of 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. I'm sorry, but this gym is not big enough for the both of us.

*Note: I may have taken a small hiatus after the wedding and during the holidays but that should never have been construed as an open invitation for you to take my place.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Seems like a popular place! I think some of my coworkers go there. Be nice to them when you elbow your way past them on the track!